The Museums

Hotel Dieu of Bauge, Maine and Loire

Photo: Apothecary of the Hotel Dieu, Bauge

For more than 350 years, the Hospitallers of Saint Joseph served the Hotel Dieu of Bauge which closed in 2001.  This hospital was furnished with a gallery of several historic sections.  The Apothecary, one of the most beautiful in France, has remained intact since its creation by Anne de Melun in 1675.  The ornate chapel, also dates back to the 17th century. In 2006, an exposition entitled: “From Caring for the Body to Caring for Souls” was inaugurated in the men’s ward.  The visit extended into the community room and the refectory of the Hospitallers of Saint Joseph.  The garden of simple plants, reconstructed according to the rules, completed this excursion which retraces the history of the Hotel Dieu of Bauge, evoking the monastic life, recalling the compassion which characterized the care of the sick, the orphans and the human values which have prevailed for centuries.

Address: Chateau and apothicairerie de Bauge, BP 30, 49150 Baugé
Tel. 02 41 84 00 74
Fax: 02 41 84 00 75