March 2, 2014, Montreal -
Four RHSJ attended conferences offered by the Jerusalem Monastic Fraternities where about 60 people gathered to reflect, discuss and pray. Numerous speakers examined human existence from the beginning of life until death.
Brother Antoine-Emmanuel in his March 1 homily said :
And what is human ecology?
It is to listen to the language of our human nature
And to respond to it with coherence.
“For man is not only a freedom which creates self
Man is spirit and will, but he is also nature.
And his will is just when he respects nature,
When he listens to it,
When he accepts himself for who he is,
When he accepts that he is not the creator of self.”
It is thus that “true human freedom is realized.”
(Benedict XVI. Discours au Reichstag. 22/09/2011)
You see our work in human ecology?
It is a matter of listening to our nature,
Of reading our nature,
And of responding to it with coherence.
He spoke a little more about this newness.
It is first the newness of listening to the Word of God
Because the Word of God is always new.
It is also the newness of the Tradition of the Church, of the history and finally the newness of advanced science, technology, medicine, philosophy.
The Subjects dealt with by different speakers spoke of the beginning of life until death:
What beauty ...
... in these images of the multiplication of cells in the first days of life which follow the conception of a small human being.
... in the adoption of very handicapped children.
... to be a witness of reconciliation at the end of life.
... to be a witness of the action of grace for the man who decides to celebrate in his hospital room his marriage with her to whom he could give witness to his love.
Let us give thanks for a human ecology where science and medicine do not dominate human nature, but are put at the service of life. And who teaches us this human ecology? Who introduces us to it? Children, the sick, handicapped persons, the dying.
Is not the horizon of this ecology what Jesus prayed for: “
Father, may they all be one as we are one.”